Quick and Easy Guide for SPC Flooring Installation & Maintenance

A man is installing SPC flooring with necessary tools.

SPC flooring installation & maintenance are always a top concern for SPC flooring users. How to install and maintain SPC flooring properly to get a great decoration effect and make the floor work longer? I will give you a detailed installation guide to help you get the job done quickly and properly.

Precautions before installation

  • SPC flooring should be leveled and placed on site with constant temperature and stability for 24 hours before installation;
  • Make sure the subfloor is smooth and clean before installing the flooring, without any residue;
  • When installing the flooring, the indoor temperature should be kept between 15 °C and 28 °C. Indoor temperature and surface temperature at 15 °C are recommended. When the temperature is lower than 5 °C or higher than 30 °C, the installation shall not be performed. The relative air humidity suitable for construction should be between 20% and 75%.
  • The moisture content of the base layer shall be less than 3%. The strength of the base layer shall not be lower than the requirement of concrete strength C-20, otherwise suitable self-leveling should be used to strengthen the strength. The surface hardness of the base layer is not less than 1.2 MPa.


Follow the following installation steps can make your SPC flooring installation simple and quick.

The worker places the first floor plank on the subfloor.
The ruler measures the gap between the plank and the wall.
The second plank is clicked together with the first plank.

Step 1 Before installation, it is recommended to spread floor film, which can make better feeling of feet and prevent the noise generated between the ground and the floor by small grains of sand. Put the first floor from the left corner of the room.

Step 2 To prevent the natural expansion of the floor, at least 0.4 cm gap should be reserved between the wall and the floor.

Step 3 When installing the first and second floor, insert the convex damage of the short side into the groove of the first floor. Continue to use the above method to install other floors.

The worker draws a line on the plank to be installed.
The worker cuts the plank along the ruler.
The worker begins to lay the second row.

Step 4 When installing the last piece of the first row, you need to take the remaining part of the floor measurement first, and note that the floor needs to be measured in reverse.

Step 5 Finally, use the art knife to force the floor surface, break it by hands easily, then install the last floor of the first row.

Step 6 Start installing the second row. When installing the second floor, insert the convex of the short side into the groove of the previous floor, and gently insert the convex of the long side into the corresponding floor groove.

The worker uses a rubber hammer to align planks.
SPC flooring installation and reference picture.
SPC flooring installation is finished.

Step 7 Use a rubber hammer when there are gaps.

Step 8 Recommended installation method reference picture.

Step 9 Finally, the same method can be used to install other floors in the room to ensure that necessary expansion gaps are left between all fixed vertical planes in the room, including doors, walls, cabinets and other fixed objects.

Care & Maintenance

Thanks to the high durability and 100% waterproof performance, it only takes a few simple care and maintenance steps to keep your UTOP SPC flooring looking new and beautiful for years to come.

Here are some tips for regular care and maintenance to extend the service life of your SPC flooring.

  • Always clean up spills or liquids immediately.
  • Clean dust and debris regularly with a broom or vacuum with soft bristles.
  • Mop as needed, use a dampened mop and cleaner approved for use on SPC flooring. Never use harsh cleaning chemicals on SPC flooring to avoid floor damage.
  • Use felt protectors or other protective devices under furniture. Never push, pull, or drag furniture across SPC flooring. Always lift and carry.
  • Heavy furniture or appliances that are not moved often should be equipped with flat, nonstaining floor protectors.
  • Place mats at exterior doors to reduce dirt and debris tracked into floor. Do not use mats with rubber or latex backers as they may cause discoloration or staining to SPC flooring.
  • For spot stain treatment, use a diluted bleach solution that is 1 part bleach, 10 parts water.
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